En EE.UU. algunas veces se gana y otras veces se aprende nunca se pierde

Thursday, October 21, 2010

20 años tras las rejas por matar un Conductor/Guagüero de la MTA-NYCTA

Hoy sentenciaron a un pandillero de los Crisps (Horace Moore de 22 años de edad) ahora permanecerá en la cárcel por los próximos 20 años luego de haber sido hallado culpable de causar la muerte a un conductor/guagüero de la MTA. Hace dos años en Brooklyn abordó sin pagar el pasaje le permitió abordar gratis el conductor y luego exige que le den una transferencia y cuando el chofer se lo negó se enfureció. Comenzó a golpear al conductor y salió de la guagua y regresa nuevamente y le clava un cuchillo en el pecho causándole la muerte. Ese joven tenía 8 antecedente penales antes de esta tragedia. Ese malvado debió estar en la cárcel donde había estado antes y donde es el único lugar que merece estar. (fotos cortesía de NYDailynews)
no paga el pasaje le permitió entrar gratis y después exige una transferencia  

Varios de los compañeros/supervisores y delegados laboral   que asistieron a la corte  muestran  la razón la cual murió por un transfer

Aquí entre nos (yo he tenido que comprarme un...  por si acaso alguien quiere abusar darle un susto- como decía mi viejo" UN HOMBRE DESARMADO ES UNA VICTIMA" es la forma mas segura de poner a alguien de su tamaño)

Anonymous El Sordo said...

A la edad de 22 y ya tenia 8 antecedente penales?
y matar a un trabajador decente por un transfer cono cuidate Mel
October 22, 2010 1:57 PM

Blogger Juanml said...

Encuentro poco los 20, sobretodo con lo severa que son las leyes en USA que por cualquier delito cantan un "monton" de años, de todas formas ojala los cumpla todos y no se les ocurra concederle salir (parole) antes de cumplir completo.
October 22, 2010 10:12 PM

Blogger jose said...

El consuelo que me queda es que en las carceles del estado (no federal) es casi seguro que los otros reos lo convertiran en una mansa paloma, metiendole genitales masculino por donde el defeca, lo cual es lo que esta basura merece. Cuidate hermano, mejor dale el jodio transfer, y luego llama la policia para hacer la denuncia.
October 23, 2010 8:42 AM

Blogger El Guagüero de NYC said...

@Sordo-Aquí a los delincuentes algunas veces lo dejan ir y a los trabajadores se lo ponen difícil. Dejanme saber si o entendiste.

@Profesor-Amigo Juanml según supe a ese HDP lo que normalmente en un caso como este la ley requiere/recomienda 25 años por vida, pero el juez tuvo compasión disque para que no se muriera en la cárcel y tuviera una nueva oportunidad de rehacer su vida. En otro artículo leí que su novia fue a verlo mientras estaba detenido y le encontraron mariguana en la ropa de su bebé...Qué les parece eso?

@Jose-Como ese es un miembro activo de esa famosa GANGA como decimos estará protegido por sus compañeros. Pero necesita pagar por lo que hizo a ese padre de dos y un ser respetuoso de las leyes. Perooo como ya está muerto y nada lo traerá hay un lado muy bueno para la familia el deja dos hijos (la pensión y el seguro de vida por pasarle eso mientras estaba activo y ejerciendo su faena diaria).
October 23, 2010 10:10 AM


Anonymous EL POETA said...

Mel ese es unos de los grandes problemas de esta sociedad. Es el país de las libertades pero una persona con 8 antecedentes que cometa un crímen de esa naturaleza por lo menos debieran meterle 40 años.
Es casdi seguro que saldría antes de cumplir su condena u vuelve a lo suyo.
Por suerte tu dices que ya tiene un ...... para tu defensa. Ustedes todos están expuestos a esos riesgos por lo tanto, no deben descuidarse de esos tipos.
Tu tiene la suerte de tener una especie de ojo mágico y solo por el físico interpreta lo que pueda ser cada individuo de estos.
Recuerda que ya yo te he escrito acerca de ese problema en otros post.
October 23, 2010 12:41 PM  


7:16:48 PM
Dec 2, 2008
I am getting sick and tired of hearing about good citizens getting dropped by scum of the earth.. What is the deal with this death penalty? Is anybody dieing other than the good guys? We have to start killing these mo fo's and not using are tax dollars on jail time for 25 years for these pieces of cra p. Can't get a gun to protect yourself, What are we to do?
7:34:10 PM
Dec 2, 2008
Everyday we deal with pieces of sh** like this piece of garbage, who should have been a swallowed load. People come to the bus knowing their Metro card has squat on it or no money to pay for the ride. Is it fair that everyone else on the Bus paid there fare and some pieces of sh** ride free!! Is it fair that everyday my kindness is tested. It's simple pay your fare and take the ride. However, some people have the you owe me attitude. Bus Operators have the attitiude's that we sometimes have because we get it from "You" the riding public. I don't go to your job and ask you to do something thats going to get you fired, so don't ask me to open the door in the middle of the street or outside the Bus stop. I have to play by MTA rules not yours, I'm not being a scumbag I'm doing the job the way I was taught. Understand our job!! God Bless you Mr. Thomas, your in a safe place now!!
7:53:44 PM
Dec 2, 2008
This is about the worse bs I've seen in a long time. This man was only doing his job, driving a bus, trying to get people from Point A to B?! Do people realize that the USA is now one of the most dangerous places to live in the world. All the coverage on Bombay when people live with violence day in and day out. The bus driver should have had a gun and blown this pos' head off. I've never been for guns, but am now getting the big picture. The wrong people do have them when a bus driver gets killed (in front of a bus full of passengers no less) and has no way to protect himself. Jesus Christ! F'ing sickening.
7:56:30 PM
Dec 2, 2008
As soon as you're born they make you feel small By giving you no time instead of it all Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all They hurt you at home and they hit you at school They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool Till you're so ------- crazy you can't follow their rules When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years Then they expect you to pick a career When you can't really function you're so full of fear Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still ------- peasants as far as I can see There's room at the top they are telling you still But first you must learn how to smile as you kill If you want to be like the folks on the hill A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be If you want to be a hero well just follow me If you want to be a hero well just follow me
8:13:41 PM
Dec 2, 2008
RickEvans033050,Bloomberg propaganda.He plays with the crime numbers just like Buliani did.But tourists and the morons will believe anything.If NYC is second to Chicago in crime,how is that one of the lowest in the nation?How many other cities has over 500 murders this year?
8:15:40 PM
Dec 2, 2008
The dude is just 20 years old-his parents should have just given him the two bucks.Two lives would have been saved.
Brooklyn Bridget
8:28:55 PM
Dec 2, 2008
Damn, I'm glad I took off from work yesterday. I often ride the Gates Ave and Malcolm X buses getting around that neighborhood. All the people who said giving him the $2 are missing the point -- I'm sure the bus driver didn't think that not giving a transfer would have cost him his life or he would have handed it over. And yes I have run into a few nasty bus drivers in the middle of all the regular working folk and especially nice individuals working for the MTA, but never have I run into anyone who did anything meriting getting punched, let alone stabbed and killed. That neighborhood is scary with all the drug addicts, scam artists, and general troublemakers running around, and you have to have ***** of steel to go into it every day to do your job, and you can never let down your guard and relax, and even with all of that, bad things can still happen to you.
not surprised
8:48:13 PM
Dec 2, 2008
People need to realized that Bus Operaters Have a job to just like they do when thet go to work,its one of the hardest jobs in the city. they get no respect from Management, or the public. thank God for Twu Local 100.This job would be twice as bad if it were no for the union. my heart goes out to the family and all transit workers for we are truly a family.And for those who try to justify what happened by your dumb posting Pray your family will not have to bury you because some sick *** kills you over some Bull****
not surprised
9:05:56 PM
Dec 2, 2008
your so rite no one deserves to die for doing there job bring Back The Death Penalty
10:23:30 PM
Dec 2, 2008
Roger and the Local 100 can kiss my A$$!
10:26:33 PM
Dec 2, 2008
All I heard on here all day is,why are people in the media being racist by saying it was a black male......SURPRISE the media was right,now all of you apologize for killing the media.Now everyone in here has gotten off the point like the life around the tough streets of Scarsdale and good drugs in Mameroneck....a man was killed doing his job where on CBS2 YOU SAW A devastated son who misses his dad and will not be celebrating the holidays this year or many years to come.
10:29:30 PM
Dec 2, 2008
people just dont respect us we have to bend rules and face write ups for farebeaters just to stay out of problems. we cant even say hi without getting negative reactions most of the time,its like we behind enemy lines out there talk about a bad workplace wow does'nt get any worse than that we have it the worst in the whole system this should be enough to change things but we will see if it does i dont think so and that would be a shame
10:41:19 PM
Dec 2, 2008
He "got what he deserved"??? What the hell is wrong with you?? The bus driver was doing his job and you expect him to allow a thug to ride free?? We should all ride free with your logic and if the drivers don't allow us, are we justified to murder them??? I guess I can go into a McDonalds and demand free food because the employee won't be penalized/fired for it, right?? That route, on avg. had 4000 fare beaters per WEEK - people today have NO MORALS or CONSCIENCE. We should have stricter laws for ALL criminals (even white collar criminals) so ALL of these thugs (white collar too) think twice about the consequences of their actions. It's a shame that people resort to racist comments BUT WHY is it that most STREET crime is committed by black and spanish people?? Those communities need to STEP up and take back their communities by being more vigilant (take a lesson from the Asian and Jewish communities - both groups strive economically and educationally). And no I'm not a racist - I
10:46:36 PM
Dec 2, 2008
I wonder now what the publics train of thought (no pun intended) about us transit workers.Now everyone thinks that we are surly,angry,unsympathetic to the public,head cases and holier than thou......but you now know that we are human beings that bleed the same color blood as you and I hate to use my brother Edwin Thomas as an example.Only saving grace is now that "alleged" murderer is now off the streets and is waiting for 12 fellow nu yawkers to condemn this lost soul.
3:08:08 AM
Dec 3, 2008
What happened was both horrific and tragic and the bus driver didn't deserve this. I hope his killer serves life in prison without parole because this was murder and murder for no reason at all. You know, if you can't even pay your fare in full, then you have no business getting on a bus and asking for a free ride. Nothing is free and I think more bus drivers need to refuse to give anyone any rides without paying up front first.
12:33:05 PM
Dec 3, 2008
i hope they start putting cops on the bus now damn you cant be safe anywhere my heart goes out toEdwin Thomas family!
11:53:17 PM
Dec 4, 2008
Reading this blog is just making me sick reading some poster's remarks. I'am a TA employee (Station Agent) and believe me you could not imagine the disrespect and games you encounter on a daily bases. I'm not a Bus Operator but deal with similar issues that they deal with. I just have the luxury of having a BULLET RESISTANT booth. Notice how I didn't say BULLET PROOF. Cuz TA does not value the safety of their employees only the MONEY. Every time I step out of my booth to use the bathroom my life is literally on the line from some scum bag I didn't let on free because he didn't have $2 dollars today or yesterday or last week. I understand that some TA employees can be hard to deal with, but did you ever stop and think that just 5 mins ago we have just dealt with a scum bag such as the one who committed this disgusting crime. believe me people this is not the easy simple job it appears to be. There is great responsibility and stress that comes with it from the public and customers. And i
11:58:13 PM
Dec 4, 2008
And it's true your dammened if you do or don't. If you dont let a person ride free or just take $2 from them w/o putting it on a card, customers are quick to say the other does it for me , or the other let me ride free last week. I really send my prayers out to the family of my fallen brother an co-worker. I hope this situation let's people see what we deal with on a daily basis and give us the respect they see for Police or Firemen or even the Garbage Man. This is indeed a truly sad tragedy that could have been avoided or even stopped if even one person had tried to intervene, but no um sure they were more worried about getting to where ever it was they had to go instead, or even thought the driver deserved it cause all TA employees are lazy and rude, and are overpaid. It's such a shame where this city has gone. WAKE UP!!! people we are human beings just like you that feel pain and bleed and die just like you. We are not robots that just drive you buses or trains or make your metrocar
12:02:21 AM
Dec 5, 2008
s and feel no pain or tire. I bet you if any of you people that have the most complaints had to do any of our jobs for even 4 hours, then you would truly change your mind forever. I'm sorry for my long rant. But this situation is just so sad. C'mon people this cannot just be swept under the rug because the TA wants to raise the fare or you feel TA employees are lazy and rude. A man's life has been snuffed out by some scum bag who is directly responsible for making your fare higher. Fare beaters and beggars account for at least 30% of all loses on a daily basis.
12:11:30 AM
Dec 5, 2008
Wow, reading my post I noticed alot of typos, but it's just I'am so outraged by this incident . Not only because I'm a TA employee, but because I'm human and my emotions got the best of me with this post. I'm not even surprised to see some of these he got what he deserved post or TA employees are rude and lazy and the fare is going up. So now we murder people over it????? People wake up FAST or we are gonna go back to the 70"s and 80"s. That's all I have to say about this. I'm sure some idiot will have something dumb to say. So in advance I'm saying screw you get a life and do something better with you time.
2:36:44 AM
Dec 5, 2008
As a fellow operator on the other side of the Hudson, first off, my deepest condolences to the Thomas Family for their loss. I've only been working as a operator for 6 months, and I'm glad I never had a situation like this, and I pray nothing like this happen again to anyone. It's sad that people want to solve their disputes with a weapon. I try my best to service the passengers on my bus and if I can't, I do my best to keep going but not cause a conflict. From what I heard about Mr. Thomas, it sounds like a good operator that did his job 100,000% correctly and was being a nice man and someone took advantage of it and killed him. It's a pathetic way to live by taking advantage of another one then killing a man over a transfer. Again, my condolences and I hope justice will be served to the person that did this disgusting act.
2:44:03 AM
Dec 5, 2008
William29, my condolences, my friend. Hey, some routes in NJTransit is no joke at times, even as a passenger, let alone a driver. And I don't even want to think how rough you guys got it back there in those booths. I mean, the amount of times I driven by bus in the early morning taking people home or to work and they're drunk and I'm afraid to say something because they might attack me or worse, UGH. And half the time, they don't even have the right fare. I just let them on and don't say a word because I got a family that wants to see me home. Hell, my own mother won't go to sleep until she sees me in the door home alive. So, hey, this job is no joke. Good pay, yes, but, dangerous that goes along with it. But again, my condolences for the loss of a fellow operator. I'm not MTA, but, when one operator goes down in the line of duty, it doesn't matter if you're MTA NY, NJTransit, or METRO in LA, we all mourn.
6:14:23 AM
Dec 6, 2008
As a fellow bus operator my heart goes out to his family and friends, something needs to be done to protect our brother and sister drivers.
War Angel
2:59:29 PM
Dec 6, 2008
I think buses should be outfitted with a small locked bullet-proof cubicle that surrounds the drivers seat like we have here [only ours are partitions of safety glass....then again our crime rate on bus drivers is almost non-exsistance, so if your drivers are being abused they should be protected from violence like this. Have him in circled in a safety glassed in cubicle with only a money slot and door handle visable on the outer edge, then he is protected from insane moochers who don't value anything but themselves. My condolences to the drivers family and friends but utimately it IS the bus companys responsibility to insure the drivers safety---and they failed miserably here especially with the history this bus route has. I hope they sentance the stabber to death, or life where he'll be stabbed to death too. Miserable worthless piece of **** that he is.


El Sordo said...

A la edad de 22 y ya tenia 8 antecedente penales?
y matar a un trabajador decente por un transfer cono cuidate Mel

Juanml said...

Encuentro poco los 20, sobretodo con lo severa que son las leyes en USA que por cualquier delito cantan un "monton" de años, de todas formas ojala los cumpla todos y no se les ocurra concederle salir (parole) antes de cumplir completo.

Jose - Agente Especial Ret said...

El consuelo que me queda es que en las carceles del estado (no federal) es casi seguro que los otros reos lo convertiran en una mansa paloma, metiendole genitales masculino por donde el defeca, lo cual es lo que esta basura merece. Cuidate hermano, mejor dale el jodio transfer, y luego llama la policia para hacer la denuncia.

Mel C. said...

@Sordo-Aquí a los delincuentes algunas veces lo dejan ir y a los trabajadores se lo ponen difícil. Dejanme saber si o entendiste.

@Profesor-Amigo Juanml según supe a ese HDP lo que normalmente en un caso como este la ley requiere/recomienda 25 años por vida, pero el juez tuvo compasión disque para que no se muriera en la cárcel y tuviera una nueva oportunidad de rehacer su vida. En otro artículo leí que su novia fue a verlo mientras estaba detenido y le encontraron mariguana en la ropa de su bebé...Qué les parece eso?

@Jose-Como ese es un miembro activo de esa famosa GANGA como decimos estará protegido por sus compañeros. Pero necesita pagar por lo que hizo a ese padre de dos y un ser respetuoso de las leyes. Perooo como ya está muerto y nada lo traerá hay un lado muy bueno para la familia el deja dos hijos (la pensión y el seguro de vida por pasarle eso mientras estaba activo y ejerciendo su faena diaria).

EL POETA said...

Mel ese es unos de los grandes problemas de esta sociedad. Es el país de las libertades pero una persona con 8 antecedentes que cometa un crímen de esa naturaleza por lo menos debieran meterle 40 años.
Es casdi seguro que saldría antes de cumplir su condena u vuelve a lo suyo.
Por suerte tu dices que ya tiene un ...... para tu defensa. Ustedes todos están expuestos a esos riesgos por lo tanto, no deben descuidarse de esos tipos.
Tu tiene la suerte de tener una especie de ojo mágico y solo por el físico interpreta lo que pueda ser cada individuo de estos.
Recuerda que ya yo te he escrito acerca de ese problema en otros post.